Customer Stories


Because of our dissatisfaction with our last cleaning company, I needed to start exploring some different companies to clean our office. I approached several cleaning companies but Valentin Services Group seemed much different than the others. Many companies are franchised and you get different cleaners and franchise owners throughout a contract. VSG is owned and operated by Jorge A. Valentin. His company is fully bonded and carries liability insurance. He hires (and fires) all his cleaners and assigns the same cleaners to our account. This way the job is done in a more efficient manner. He spells out, in writing, all the job responsibilities and makes sure the cleaners follow them. Jorge oversees all of his job sites and inspects them every night after the cleaners leave. Jorge has set up a schedule when floors need to be stripped and waxed, and when the carpets need cleaning. He also schedules the window washing on the outside of our building. He will order supplies; toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex, so we never have to order these items, it’s all done by the company. Another complaint I had with our old cleaning company, when  I came into work in the morning, employees would come up to me and would inform me what the cleaners did or didn’t do that night. Since VSG took over our accounts, the employees are very happy with their service and I don’t have any complaints. If for some reason I do have a concern, I will e­mail  Jorge and he will get back to me quickly and get it rectified immediately. I can’t express in words how grateful and pleased I am with the company. I tell Jorge often to let his cleaners know they are going a  wonderful job. My life is less stressful that I have finally found a cleaning company that is so reliable and really cares about how the job is performed. In conclusion, I highly recommend the Valentin Services Group to clean your offices.

The company is absolutely fantastic!!!!

Lab Manager - Associates in Nephrology

This letter is intended to provide a recommendation of Valentin Services Group and the services that they provide and perform. Our Law Firm has been a client of VSG for several years and we have been extremely happy with the service and professionalism that the company provides to our large firm. When there was a time I had a concern, it was addressed professionally and handle immediately to my satisfaction. This cleaning group was the fourth company that our firm had been within a short period of time and I want to express our gratitude that we no longer have to waste time been unhappy and disappointed about a service that we were paying for.

Office Manager - Cole, Scott, & Kissane, P.A. 

This letter is intended to provide a recommendation of Valentin Services Group and the services they perform. Our company has been a client of VSG for several years and have been extremely happy with the service and results that the company provides our firm.

CEO - Northrop Financial Group